
Toelo Quarries

Toelo, Moeche stone or serpentine are the different names given by the local population to a greenish grey rock that can be found in the surroundings of Moeche, San Sadurniño and Cerdido. Originally, these rocks were in the Earth’s mantle, located below 70 km deep. To learn a little more about this unique rock, visit Monte da Caleira, where the largest number of outcrops were found, and where you can also see marbles, another of the geological attractions of this place. A little further to the east is the Ferrarías quarry, where the set of terraces that are still preserved allows us to better understand the method of toelo exploitation. Finally, in the Penasalbas quarry, its mineral was mainly used for the iron and steel industry, which is why this mining operation is very different from the previous ones, as those were dedicated to obtaining material for construction and ornamentation. During the visit to these quarries, one should not miss the view of the valley in which Moeche Castle is settled. Unlike other valleys, this one does not have a large river as its origin is tectonic, i.e. formed by the sinking of the earth’s surface due to fractures.

City council: Moeche
Can I visit it?: Yes, on foot. Only with a guide and within organised georoutes, as the quarries are located on private property.
Further information: Throughout the area we can see the ornamental and constructive use of toelo, a rock that is easy to work with and to polish. It was turned into calvaries, door lintels, windows, staircases, balustrades…

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